There’s an old saying that the most dangerous enemy is the one that is not seen. These are invisible to the naked eye like viruses, germs, and even air pollutants. That is why we’ve become so careful with picking the best hygiene products and the best outdoor air quality sensors. The current COVID-19 pandemic is already a shining example of how something so small can cause so much havoc all over the world. While viruses attack the body via their capacity to multiply using RNA, air pollutants also pose a significant health hazard to people if inhaled in dangerous toxic amounts.
The World Health Organization has declared some guidelines in reducing fine particulate matter or PM 2.5 to 10 μg/m3 which can help reduce air pollution-related deaths by an estimate of 15 percent. In Australia, the government and environmental protection agency along with other related organizations keep track of air pollution, especially in cities and suburbs. Air quality monitors in Australia are placed in strategic locations and are used to detect changes in air particulate matter. But can simple families also do something to keep the air they breathe clean? Here are some ways:
Reduce smoke emissions
When there’s smoke, there’s fire. Lots of daily activities we do generate smoke. And the quantity of smoke can greatly affect air quality. Cigarettes, barbecues, garbage incineration, or even cooking can generate noxious gases that can make affect your family’s health. Clear the air by avoiding activities that produce excessive amounts of smoke. If you do, make sure to have an exhaust system and use the best outdoor air quality sensor for monitoring.
Let air flow freely
There’s a reason why we love fresh air. It’s the oxygen we breathe that makes us like fresh air so much. This oxygen must be replenished in our surroundings, that is why enclosed spaces aren’t so conducive for our health. While air-conditioning units or heaters play a crucial role in keeping our rooms cool or warm, opening our windows regularly helps air circulate replenishing you with new oxygen. Allow air to flow freely through your house including the corridors. It would also be helpful to install an air quality sensor to ensure you’re breathing in good air.
Clean vents regularly
AC units and air vents are important parts of a home to keep you cool and your space well-ventilated. But dirt and soot can also accumulate in these vents causing blockages in the air passage and worse, spread dust and PM 2.5 particles. Especially after dust storms and bushfires, make sure to clean your vents and AC units to eliminate particle build-up. Install the best outdoor air quality sensor so you can also check if the air that enters through your vents are safe.
We can recommend you the best outdoor air quality sensor in Australia. Visit https://norditech.com.au/.
3 Ways to Ensure Quality Air for Your Family,